snail mail to: A. Faizal, P.O.Box 11998, 50764 KL, Malaysia (Asia).
The sinister & the wicked
Greetings night crawlers! This is the official blog for SINISTER APPARATUS MUSIC. Thanx for those who has been added or visited my page in myspace. I don't run the distro anymore (sadly for me), but I'm having some metal shirts on sale thru SinisterMerch, so go check 'em out. This blog will serve as promotions, news updates & review blog as well as some audio samples. That being said, I accept all the info you guys want to send me. Band submissions for your materials is most welcome.
Get in touch through my email at :
- Janto -
Profane Prayers
If any of you people happens to came across this blog & have a fond to what we're posting here, then you might also go to our fukkbook page and have a LIKE on it. Most of the thing we posted here came from the band, so if you have the feeling of getting in touch with them, asking them about their stuff, etc, then the right place to do that would be the fb page. You might stumbled upon some band members, organiser, distro, label, or just any metal maniac enthusiast. For those using the 'download' link, just wait for the 10 seconds countdown to end before clicking the 'next' button. Goat ist the law! :p